The Politics And Economics Of Belgium, The One Country That Everybody Thinks That I’m From But I’m Really Not From.

This flowchart reveals that Belgium wasn’t always the nation that it is today. Like other nations in the past, it was strongly nationalist. To add, it was also Socialist.

Read 4 comments

  1. Wow! you’re flowchart was very fluid and it was extremely organized! You gave evidence and you were complete with your thinking. One thing I wished you could have done was to explain how the two points connected, and you didn’t really talk about what we did in class. Maybe you could have connected these ideas to the political and economic thinkers we talked about in class, like Marx, or Hobbes and Locke.

  2. You did a good job explaining external factors and how they resulted in political and economic change. However, you could have explained what that political and economic change was, why it was important, and what did it entail. My question is how were does the Belgian government get the funds to sustain socialism? Is it through high taxes?

  3. Your flowchart did well to displayed your solid knowledge on each on of the influences, what happened, and their history. Your flowchart does not, however, portray the connections between the different ideas that influenced Belgium: how did the VOC influence the industrial revolution? How did the Holy Roman empire affect the Belgian revolution? Why is the the Industrial Revolution important to the Cold War? You can show these connections by using R-cards and writing perhaps a small paragraph an why these influences affect each other. I also notice that your flowchart for the most part lists the different historic events that affected Belgium, try to add more general ideas: communism, Authoritarian rule, democracy, and other concepts alike. Remember: this assignment is more about your understanding of political and economic concepts and thinkers than it is about that of the history of Belgium.

    Bye bye apple pie!

  4. Your flowchart is very attractive and organized. When I saw it the first thing I said was “wow” because of how nice it is to look at due to the color and the meaningful images you added. There is a lot of great information, and I really love how you incorporated the dates. There are a lot of arrows which can get confusing, but other than that, great job!

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